Meet Linea’s Community Champions: The Volunteers Fostering Web3 Support

With almost 400,000 members, the Linea Discord is a center point of our web3 community. It’s the spot where fun, connection, feedback, questions, the good and the imperfect come together in a crazy melting pot.

Linea’s Discord moderators work their magic engaging and answering all the questions, queries, and quandaries users may have. But they’re not the only ones that keep the Linea Discord running. Once we cut through all the requisite friendly (and sometimes not-so-friendly) banter on Linea, we get to one of the other factors that establish Linea as a community: users helping users. Over the years, an especially generous group of volunteers have emerged: The Linea Champions.

This group is made up of Lineans who have dedicated their online lives to helping other users, and offering support and guidance from how to navigate their favorite dapps to onchain events they are participating in.

“The Champions are a dedicated and awesome group of volunteers. Their support and engagement bring an incredible liveliness to our Discord, and many of them offer great ideas and recommendations on how they'd like to see the community improve,” says Kbee, part of Linea’s community support team.

Exactly what it takes to become a Champion is complex, but the common denominator is that these users are dedicated to maintaining a secure and supportive community. They operate with compassion and inclusivity, embracing challenging inquiries and genuinely enjoy helping others and solving problems.

Here, we give a rare behind the scenes spotlight interview with nine Champions.

Linea: Tell us something about yourself so we can (anonymously) know who you are!

Sugo: An interesting fact about me is I can’t stand drinking coffee, but I absolutely love the smell of it. It’s a strange contradiction I can’t explain, but it's true! :D

Oxsoltani: Well, I have many interesting facts in my life: I love the earth, the place that is the home of all of us and the earth that breathes and gives breath to us humans. Sometimes I get so lost in the beauty of the earth and I talk to myself, I think I'm crazy.

cb03c66: Through my onchain experience, I've learned a great deal! When I was younger, I launched my first project on the Fantom Blockchain (now sonic), which turned out to be a great success as I remember it generated a TVL of around $8m at its peak and this all started as a idea which I thought users were going to be interested in. Now, I've chosen to apply the knowledge and experience I've gained over the years to support projects I believe in and that I see as the future of crypto.

Rocket: Onchain, I have a genuine passion for the Web3 space and I am eager to contribute by educating others and helping secure it from bad actors in any way I can while learning alongside, with a deep passion in community management.

Dave: I'm just a guy with interest in tech, especially in the blockchain technology

Mirmalnir: I love helping people, it's like the purpose of my life.

Kacperrr0: I’m from a Polish village, and I’m a bit weird, but people can’t tell.

Linea: What first attracted you to life onchain?

Mirmalnir: To be honest, it was money.

Rocket: Anonymity, decentralization, security, transparency, and the amazing people ofc!

Kacperrr0: Freedom. I hate being restricted, I cannot be confined. Onchain, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I enjoy working for dozens of hours a day on things that drive me, but on other days, I find something else interesting, and my focus involuntarily shifts completely elsewhere.

Linea: How did you first come across Linea? Recall the moment the best you can!

Rocket: I came across Linea on X, during the private testnet registration, I was super excited to participate in the private testnet. It was zkEvm back then :)

Mr itachi: I first learned about linea on X when I read that there was a special campaign for testent phase on Galxe consisting of nine weeks. Then my passion took off. I love participating in new challenges. They were wonderful and unforgettable days. I learned a lot in the field of web3 thanks to Linea.

Linea: As a volunteer, why do you like sharing your time with the community?

Cb03c66: As a volunteer, I love contributing my time to the community because I believe in decentralization and the power of a system where users support one another, creating an environment for learning and growth. I truly enjoy sharing my experience and knowledge with others, while also helping to troubleshoot any issues.

Anon I: Helping each other make[s] me happy.

Linea: What drives your passion for the community?

Rocket: My passion for the community is driven by the power of shared growth and collaboration. I’m inspired by the potential of people coming together to solve problems, exchange ideas, and create meaningful impact.

Cb03c66: Honestly, what drives me the most is the satisfaction of helping users and seeing their issues resolved. I believe the key to onboarding users from web2 to web3 is creating a system that simplifies the learning process and makes getting assistance more accessible. Supporting users and solving problems keeps me motivated, knowing that we're making their experience smoother and more user-friendly.

Linea: What has been your favorite Discord moment?

oxsoltani: In my opinion, the best moment was when I got to know Linea, because before that I had been to the Discord accounts of many projects and I saw that the admins did not respond to the users or they responded very late, some of them were even frauds. They did not pay attention and ignored the users, even some admins behaved as if they were space shuttle engineers, but Linea has never done this.

Kacperrr0: This may sound weird, but I enjoy working in a buzzing, wild chat rather than in a slow and regular environment. I would say my favorite time was during DeFi Voyage, where a lot of users participated and encountered all kinds of issues. In such an environment, I can really turn it up to the max.

Cb03c66: I think my favorite was when I first became a champion and was recognized for my efforts. I remember right after I was selected, the server was really active, and a lot was happening. I jumped in to help, and it was just me and a few admins going all out in the chat. It felt like a race to see who could answer users the fastest, and also being free from the 10 minute slow mode meant I could assist a lot more haha! It was such an awesome feeling to be part of that and provide support—it was a blast!

Linea: As a Champion, what do you wish people would stop doing?

Dave: Spamming and engagement in scams or any related actions in the server.

Sugo: I really wish people would cut out the scam attempts and stop spreading misinformation. Scams not only put users at risk but also shake the trust within our community, while misinformation can stir up confusion and unnecessary chaos. It’s all about keeping our space safe and informed, so we can all stay engaged and have each other’s backs ♡

Linea: What have been some of your favorite projects on Linea or campaigns you really like?

Rocket: All the projects on Linea are amazing! Here are my top picks; Efrogs 🐸, Element market,, Mendi Finance, and Pheasant Network.

​​Mirmalnir: Linea Park was my favorite! It was where my Linea journey began.

Linea: What are you looking forward to for the future of Linea?

Anon I: Mass adoption using Linea.

Mr itachi: As I said I believe in decentralization and that is something that attracted me to Linea I am really looking forward to achieving full decentralization on Linea.


If you’re not part of the fam already, join Linea on Discord here!

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